Dear Mr Kilmer Form 5 SPM – Sample Answers

Please refer to:

Question 1 (SPM 2007)
‘It is important to have a person you look up to in your life.’
From the novel that you have read, write about one character that you look up to. Give reasons why you choose him/her.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. One character that I looked up to was Richard. There were three reasons why I looked up to Richard.

Firstly, he loved animals. This was shown when Richard purposely missed shooting a buck. Richard thought that hunting was not important. Richard could not kill animals. Gus, Richard’s elder brother, was upset with Richard because Richard purposely misfired. Richard’s father, Pa, was also disappointed with Richard. Pa asked Richard why he purposely missed shooting the buck. Richard told Pa that he had no right to kill it. Richard told Pa that he felt painful and sad to kill an animal. Pa told Richard not to go hunting anymore if he did not like it.

Secondly, Richard was kind. One day, Mrs Hansen asked her class to sign a card for the Schermers. Someone vandalised the tavern owned by Hannah’s parents. They painted “Dirty Huns” all over the walls. Mrs Hansen brought a card to express regret for what had happened. The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and Peggy refused to sign the card. They warned other classmates not to sign the card. The boys were afraid Abner and Harry would hit them. The girls worry that popular girls like Peggy and Blanche would not speak to them. However, Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for Hannah Schermer. After school, Richard took the card from Mrs Hansen. He wanted to give the card to Hannah. Hannah accepted the card reluctantly. Later, Hannah apologised to Richard for being rude. This was the beginning of their friendship.
Thirdly, Richard was brave. This was shown when Richard told his family and Mrs Hansen that he wrote poetry. Before telling his secret to his family and Mrs Hansen, Richard wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was Richard’s penpal. Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. However, he kept this as a secret from everyone. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. One day, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad. Gus advised Richard not tell anyone he wrote poetry. He wanted Richard to fit in with other people. Everyone called him a Hun Lover after he signed the card for Hannah. The next day, Richard told Mrs Hansen that he wrote poetry. He showed her Mr Kilmer’s letter. Mrs Hansen helped Richard to choose a poem. Richard would send the poem to Mr Kilmer. As advised by Mrs Hansen, Richard shared Mr Kilmer’s latest letter and his poem with the class.Some of his classmates, including Blanche and Peggy, were deeply moved by his poem. They started to respect Richard. Hannah suggested a different ending to Richard’s poem.

In conclusion, I admired and respected Richard because he had good personalities.





Question 2 (SPM 2008)
Using the details from the novel that you have studied,
      Describe what happens at the end of the novel.
      Explain why you find the ending either happy or sad.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. At the end of the story, Richard’s father finally supported his passion in writing poetry. This was a happy ending.

Richard Knight had a secret. Nobody knew that he wrote poetry including his family, teachers and schoolmates. One day, Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was a famous poet. He enlisted in the army. He wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. A few days later, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad.

One day, Richard received a bad news about Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was killed in the war between the Allies and the Germans. Richard wrote a poem as a tribute to Mr Kilmer. In the poem, Richard likened Mr Kilmer to the “world”. The tribute was printed in the local newspaper, “The Turtle Lake Weekly”. Richard’s father read the poem. Richard was afraid that his father was going to be angry at him. His father did not like Richard writing poems. After reading the poem, his father told Richard about what happened to Richard’s uncle, Roland. His father never told Richard about this story. Roland was killed in a war in Cuba. His father regarded Roland as his “world”. His father was amazed how Richard could use the same word in his tribute. Richard continued writing poems about farm life for the local newspaper. Richard got his father’s help as he was an experienced farmer. Every night, Richard read his poems aloud. His father would correct or give suggestions to improve the poems. His father finally supported Richard’s passion in writing poetry.

In conclusion, the ending of this story was truly heartwarming when a father and a son finally got along through the love of poetry.




Question 3 (SPM 2009)
Using the details from the novel that you have studied, write about a difficult decision made by one of the characters.
With close reference to the text, do you think this was the right decision?

Sample answer
The novel that I studied was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. A difficult decision made by Richard was to tell people that he wrote poetry. This was the right decision.

Richard Knight had a secret. Nobody knew that he wrote poetry including his family, teachers and schoolmates. One day, Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was a famous poet. He enlisted in the army. He wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody.

A few days later, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad.

The next day, Richard told Mrs Hansen that he wrote poetry. He showed her Mr Kilmer’s letter. Mrs Hansen helped Richard to choose a poem. Richard would send the poem to Mr Kilmer. As advised by Mrs Hansen, Richard shared Mr Kilmer’s latest letter and his poem with the class. Some of his classmates, including Blanche and Peggy, were deeply moved by his poem. They started to respect Richard. Hannah suggested a different ending to Richard’s poem.

In conclusion, Richard was a brave boy when he decided to tell his secrets to everyone.




Question 4 (SPM 2012)
Based on the novel you have studied, write about an event that makes you angry?
With close reference to the text, give reasons why the event makes you feel this way.

Sample answer
The novel that I studied was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. An event that made me angry was when the Schermers’ tavern was vandalised. I was angry because of two reasons.

Firstly, I was angry because some Turtle Lake people were being unfair to the Schermers. They vandalized the Schermers tavern. They painted “Dirty Huns” all over the walls. They said that the Schermers were Huns. Some Turtle Lake people believed that Huns were a barbaric clan originated from Germany. They said that the Schermers were unpatriotic because they spoke German and served Hun food at their tavern while a war was going on against Germany.

Secondly, I was angry because Richard’s classmates were being unkind to the Schermers after the Schermers’s tavern was vandalised. Mrs Hansen brought a card to express regret for what had happened Mrs Hansen asked her class to sign the card. The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and Peggy refused to sign the card. They warned other classmates not to sign the card. The boys were afraid Abner and Harry would hit them. The girls worry that popular girls like Peggy and Blanche would not speak to them. However, Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for Hannah Schermer. After school, Richard took the card from Mrs Hansen. He wanted to give the card to Hannah. Hannah accepted the card reluctantly. Later, Hannah apologised to Richard for being rude. This was the beginning of their friendship.

In conclusion, the event where the Schermers was being mistreated infuriated me. I truly believed that discrimination was unjust.



Question 5 (SPM 2015 à Similar to SPM 2007)
Suggest one character in the novel you have read who you think is a good role model for teenagers.
Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. A good role model for teenagers was Richard. Richard was 15 years old. He was tall, pale and slender. Richard was Mr Knight’s son. He was Angie and Gus’s younger brother. He was Mr Kilmer’s penpal and Hannah’s best friend. He loved poetry. There were three reasons why I chose Richard.

Firstly, he was kind. One day, Mrs Hansen asked her class to sign a card for the Schermers. Someone vandalised the tavern owned by Hannah’s parents. They painted “Dirty Huns” all over the walls. Mrs Hansen brought a card to express regret for what had happened. The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and Peggy refused to sign the card. They warned other classmates not to sign the card. The boys were afraid Abner and Harry would hit them. The girls worry that popular girls like Peggy and Blanche would not speak to them. However, Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for Hannah Schermer. After school, Richard took the card from Mrs Hansen. He wanted to give the card to Hannah. Hannah accepted the card reluctantly. Later, Hannah apologised to Richard for being rude. This was the beginning of their friendship.
Secondly, Richard was brave. This was shown when Richard told his family he wrote poetry. Before telling his secret to his family, Richard wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was Richard’s penpal. Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. However, he kept this as a secret from everyone. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. One day, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad. Gus advised Richard not tell anyone he wrote poetry. He wanted Richard to fit in with other people. Everyone called him a Hun Lover after he signed the card for Hannah.

Thirdly, he was supportive. Hannah and Richard won the roles of Lady Liberty and the Doughboy respectively because they wrote the best essays. Mrs Hansen asked the class to write an essay as one of the activities for a patriotic programme which helped sell Liberty bonds. Many students were angry when Hannah won the role. They regarded Hannah as an unpatriotic German although she was an American citizen. Hannah told Richard that her essay started a little war in Turtle lake. She did not want to cause any more problems. So she declined the role of Lady Liberty. Richard wanted to support Hannah. Therefore, Richard declined his part as the Doughboy. His family, his schoolmates and the Turtle Lake People criticized him for turning down his role. They called him unpatriotic and a traitor. These criticisms never stopped Richard from standing up for what was right.

In conclusion, Richard was a good role model for teenagers because he had good personalities.





Question 6 (SBP Trial 2016)
Which character in the novel do you sympathize with? Explain why you sympathize with this character with close reference to the text.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. The character I sympathized with was Hannah Schermer. There were three reasons why I sympathized with her.

Firstly, her schoolmates called her ‘Dirty Hun’. They even scrawled “Dirty Hun” all over her book cover. Some Turtle Lake people believed that Huns were a barbaric clan originated from Germany. They said that the Schermers were unpatriotic because they spoke German and served Hun food at their tavern while a war was going on against Germany. Starting from this incident, the Schermers were always being mistreated by some of the Turtle Lake people.

Secondly, her parents’ tavern was vandalised. They painted “Dirty Huns” all over the walls. Mrs Hansen asked her class to sign a sympathy card for the Schermers. The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and Peggy refused to sign the card. They warned other classmates not to sign the card. The boys were afraid Abner and Harry would hit them. The girls worry that popular girls like Peggy and Blanche would not speak to them. However, Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for Hannah Schermer.

Thirdly, people unfairly denied her role as Lady Liberty. Hannah won the roles of Lady Liberty because she wrote the best essay. Mrs Hansen asked the class to write an essay as one of the activities for a patriotic programme which helped sell Liberty bonds. Many students were angry when Hannah won the role. They regarded Hannah as an unpatriotic German although she was an American citizen. Some parents complained to the principal and demanded Mrs Hansen to choose someone else. Mrs Hansen did not change her mind. Hannah told Richard that her essay started a little war in Turtle lake. She did not want to cause any more problems. So she declined the role of Lady Liberty. Richard wanted to support Hannah.

In conclusion, although Hannah Schermer and her family was mistreated by some Turtle Lake people, they remained calm and patient.




Question 7 (Kedah Trial 2016)
It is important to stand up for what is right. Discuss how this is portrayed in the novel you have read.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. The statement “It is important to stand up for what is right” was portrayed by Richard in three different events.

Firstly, this statement was portrayed when Richard purposely missed shooting a buck. Richard thought that hunting was not important. Richard could not kill animals. Gus, Richard’s elder brother, was upset with Richard because Richard purposely misfired. Richard’s father, Pa, was also disappointed with Richard. Pa asked Richard why he purposely missed shooting the buck. Richard told Pa that he had no right to kill it. Richard told Pa that he felt painful and sad to kill an animal. Pa told Richard not to go hunting anymore if he did not like it. Even though Pa disagreed with Richard’s opinion about hunting, he did not force Richard to do what he hated.

Secondly, this statement was portrayed when Richard was the only student who signed a sympathy card for the Schermers. When the Schermers’ tavern was vandalized, Mrs Hansen asked her class to sign a sympathy card for them. The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and Peggy refused to sign the card. They warned other classmates not to sign the card. The boys were afraid Abner and Harry would hit them. The girls worry that popular girls like Peggy and Blanche would not speak to them. However, Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for Hannah Schermer. Richard believed that the Schermers were discriminated by some Turtle people because they were Germans.

Thirdly, this statement was portrayed when Hannah declined the role of Lady Liberty. Hannah and Richard won the roles of Lady Liberty and the Doughboy respectively because they wrote the best essays. Mrs Hansen asked the class to write an essay as one of the activities for a patriotic programme which helped sell Liberty bonds. Many students were angry when Hannah won the role. They regarded Hannah as an unpatriotic German although she was an American citizen. Hannah told Richard that her essay started a little war in Turtle lake. She did not want to cause any more problems. So she declined the role of Lady Liberty. Richard wanted to support Hannah. Therefore, Richard declined his part as the Doughboy. His family, his schoolmates and the Turtle Lake People criticized him for turning down his role. They called him unpatriotic and a traitor. These criticisms never stopped Richard from standing up for what was right.

In conclusion, Richard was truly a character who stuck to his principles to do what was right.




Question 8 (N9 Trial 2016)
“People should be allowed to follow their dreams.”
Write about a character who wants to realise his or her dream.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. A character who wanted to realise his dream was Richard. Richard wanted to be a poet.

Richard Knight had a secret. Nobody knew that he wrote poetry including his family, teachers and schoolmates. One day, Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was a famous poet. He enlisted in the army. He wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. A few days later, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad.

One day, Richard received a bad news about Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was killed in the war between the Allies and the Germans. Richard wrote a poem as a tribute to Mr Kilmer. In the poem, Richard likened Mr Kilmer to the “world”. The tribute was printed in the local newspaper, “The Turtle Lake Weekly”. Richard’s father read the poem. Richard was afraid that his father was going to be angry at him. His father did not like Richard writing poems. After reading the poem, his father told Richard about what happened to Richard’s uncle, Roland. His father never told Richard about this story. Roland was killed in a war in Cuba. His father regarded Roland as his “world”. His father was amazed how Richard could use the same word in his tribute. Richard continued writing poems about farm life for the local newspaper. Richard got his father’s help as he was an experienced farmer. Every night, Richard read his poems aloud. His father would correct or give suggestions to improve the poems. His father finally supported Richard’s passion in writing poetry.

In conclusion, Richard faced many obstacles in his journey of becoming a poet. In the end, he managed to realise his dream.




Question 9 (Kelantan Trial 2016)
‘Family supports family.’
With close reference to the text, how far is this true of the novel you have studied?

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. The statement “Family supports family” was not true in the beginning of the story. However, it became true at the end of the story.

Richard Knight had a secret. Nobody knew that he wrote poetry including his family, teachers and schoolmates. One day, Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was a famous poet. He enlisted in the army. He wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. A few days later, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad.

One day, Richard received a bad news about Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was killed in the war between the Allies and the Germans. Richard wrote a poem as a tribute to Mr Kilmer. In the poem, Richard likened Mr Kilmer to the “world”. The tribute was printed in the local newspaper, “The Turtle Lake Weekly”. Richard’s father read the poem. Richard was afraid that his father was going to be angry at him. His father did not like Richard writing poems. After reading the poem, his father told Richard about what happened to Richard’s uncle, Roland. His father never told Richard about this story. Roland was killed in a war in Cuba. His father regarded Roland as his “world”. His father was amazed how Richard could use the same word in his tribute. Richard continued writing poems about farm life for the local newspaper. Richard got his father’s help as he was an experienced farmer. Every night, Richard read his poems aloud. His father would correct or give suggestions to improve the poems. His father finally supported Richard’s passion in writing poetry.

In conclusion, the bond in a family strengthened when family supported each other.




Question 10 (Pulau Pinang Trial 2016)
The main character is a strong-willed person. How is this shown in the novel? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Sample answer
The novel that I read was ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’ by Anne Schraff. The statement “Family supports family” was not true in the beginning of the story. However, it became true at the end of the story.

Richard Knight had a secret. Nobody knew that he wrote poetry including his family, teachers and schoolmates. One day, Richard learnt about Mr Kilmer when Richard’s English teacher, Mrs Hansen read a poem to the class. The title of the poem was “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was a famous poet. He enlisted in the army. He wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer. In his letter, Richard told Mr Kilmer that he wrote poems too. Richard asked for Mr Kilmer’s advice. He wanted to know whether he should tell his secret to everybody. A few days later, Richard received a letter from Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to overcome his fear. Mr Kilmer advised Richard to share his poetry with people around him. Nobody was interested when Richard told his family about Mr Kilmer’s letter and his secret. Gus did not believe that Mr Kilmer was famous. Pa did not believe that Richard wrote poetry. Richard asked whether his family members wanted to read his poems. Nobody was interested. Richard was sad.

One day, Richard received a bad news about Mr Kilmer. Mr Kilmer was killed in the war between the Allies and the Germans. Richard wrote a poem as a tribute to Mr Kilmer. In the poem, Richard likened Mr Kilmer to the “world”. The tribute was printed in the local newspaper, “The Turtle Lake Weekly”. Richard’s father read the poem. Richard was afraid that his father was going to be angry at him. His father did not like Richard writing poems. After reading the poem, his father told Richard about what happened to Richard’s uncle, Roland. His father never told Richard about this story. Roland was killed in a war in Cuba. His father regarded Roland as his “world”. His father was amazed how Richard could use the same word in his tribute. Richard continued writing poems about farm life for the local newspaper. Richard got his father’s help as he was an experienced farmer. Every night, Richard read his poems aloud. His father would correct or give suggestions to improve the poems. His father finally supported Richard’s passion in writing poetry.

In conclusion, the bond in a family strengthened when family supported each other.





  1. you are wonderful. it is a great help. i will surely use it with my students. tqvm

  2. Teacher, do you have 2013 spm sample answers?

  3. Teacher can i know the problems faced by a character in Novel Dear MR.Kilmer? Thanks

  4. how about the person whom i admire the most???

  5. Lol answer 4 question 10.Plz do correction 4 it.Also,write *i will not do it again*100 times

  6. Thank you for your sample answers..

  7. answer for p.p and kelantan is exactly same is it right?

  8. tq!!! my teacher say this is greatfull>_<

  9. Question no 6 have Richard knight answer

  10. Tq for your notes n helps.Hope your day be blessed��

  11. With close reference to the text , describe how the events in this story influenced the main character ?

  12. This is useful, thanks

  13. Are richie n hannah lovers?

    1. Nope ,they are just good friend

    2. But at the story it mentions that they fell in love

  14. can you make sample answer for perak trial 2016, my rujukan.thank you

  15. can you do one with the phrase "unity in the family is important"

  16. can i know the answer for penang please

  17. can i know the answer for relationship between richard and Mr kilmer

  18. can you explain that the shcool educators was played or not played important role in shaping one's mind? how far is this true of this novel?

  19. how about friendship ?

  20. thank you!!! it was very helpful

  21. very helpful , thnks for sharing

  22. Teacher how can I get like this essay about friendship between Richard and Mrkilmer helpnme pls

  23. shouldnt implication be the idealogies implied by the author in the novel and not stating what had happened? because most of the answers given above are in the form of storytelling.. at least that's what my teacher who came back from Britain told me. im not sure whether these answers will be accepted in this years's spm examination as it does not imply much

  24. use the S.T.E.P.S technique.
    s -statement. [the topic sentence]
    t.e -textual evidence [what happened in the novel? elaborate on the examples of occasions]
    p - personal opinion [imply what you understand or what you feel]
    s - summary [concluding sentence]

  25. What i want to write for this question?
    Write about an important decision made by one of the characters.Explain how it affects the other character(s).

  26. Thank you for sharing !

  27. A very good and informative article indeed . It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge, I really like the way the writer presented his views. I hope to see more informative and useful articles in future.
    abcya | brainpop

  28. if the question ask for a turning point, how do i make it

    1. At turning point dy/dx=0, d^2y/dx^2>0 means minimum pint while d^2y/dx^2<0 means maximum point

    2. what does this have to do anything with Dear Mr Kilmer????

  29. Thanks teacher..Your updates are very beneficial..It gives a great assist during exam..

  30. Budak boy need you as our teacher, naise stay lit

  31. can you help me to find a suitable answer for this question:
    if you are richard knight, would you decline the role as doughboy in the patriotic programme? why would you do so? give at least two reasons and briefly explain them.

  32. Boleh saya tanya, siapa tahu buku novel english from 5 tahun ni di zon kedah dan perlis. Sangat perlu bantuan. Harap-harap ada siapa boleh tolong saya.

  33. This websites was recommended by Sir Danial PTIU and it was hepful.
    Thank You

  34. can I get like this essay about friendship between the people in turtle lake pls~

  35. take me back to when our love was still around

  36. being far from you is one of the biggest fear i have and i cannot continue this cruel life without having your love in my life. Your smile every morning is the main thing that motivates me everyday. Your laugh makes my heart calm and collected.

  37. thank you for the sample answers may God bless

  38. goodluck trial 2018 dari smkj3 bandar baru bangi


  40. Sangat membantu Thankyou very much....

  41. 'Life is all about facing challenges'.With close reference to the text explain how far is this true of the main character of the story .please help me

  42. Teacher,thanks for your notes
    Can I know what the similarities characteristics between Richard and Joyce Kilmer?

  43. how about “one must be determine to achieve one’s goal”

  44. state from the helped how was richards lifeimporved

  45. thanks a lot because it shows how to answer novel question :)..

  46. Thank you so much!!It's very useful

  47. Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahauahahahahahahahhahahshahahahahayahahahahahaya

  48. thank for share. i will to share with my friend

  49. cam on ban rat nhieu vi thong tin bai viet qua thạt la huu ich

  50. Teacher,what challenge charectcha have faces ?

  51. thanks u for the sample anwers

  52. Great sample answer. Btw, it did help me a lot

  53. thanks teacher for the great answer:)


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  56. Can I have the sample answer for one character that you disliked pls?

  57. Thank you teacher!!!! It is very useful and really helping me out with novel questions

  58. Write about an important lesson you have learned from the novel which you could apply in your own life.
    Support your answer with close reference to the text. (can iget this answer please)

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