How to improve English (2)
A future English teacher asked my opinion on what makes a good English teacher: Pinkrosehijau said... Teacher nuha, I really love to read your blog.. I really interested being an english teacher , but I do not have super duper English as other teacher do.. it make me got inferiority complex einthin me.. =.( what's ur opinion March 28, 2011 2:26 PM My response : Dear Pinkrosehijau, Thanks for visiting my blog. Teachers are lifelong learners. We always have to continue enhancing our knowledge and teaching skills. In my humble opinion, everybody has potentials to be great. I think it all starts from a positive mindset. A positive mind leads to positive attitudes. Nobody's perfect including me. I do the following to help better myself as an English teacher: Speak English to other English teachers & students. Get advice from the experienced English teachers. Read English novels during my leisure time. Blog about the teaching & learning of Engl...